Saturday, May 18, 2024

Day 17. Kamloops to Salmon Arm. 110km.

The weather forecast was not promising with a significant chance of rain all day. As it was sprinkling lightly as we left Kamloops, we thought that we would get wet today. Fortunately the showers occurred ahead of us as evidenced by the wet roads. By the time we arrived in Salmon Arm, we had experienced only a bit of rain.
Danny, Joy, Shelley and Maya met us at the Super 8 then took us to Mike's for a great dinner. But most of all we enjoyed their company with lots of family stuff to catch up on. Unfortunately I had so much fun talking and listening that I forgot to take a picture.
The TCH out of Kamloops is four lanes wide for at least 40 km and is generally good for cycling on the shoulder. This picture shows some of the work being done to make it four lanes across the province.
Overall this was a really nice day and we have Danny and family for driving up to make it so nice.

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