Friday, May 17, 2024

Day 15. Whistler to Cache Creek. 68 km.

The day started out well with a good start and only a probability of rain. By the time we arrived in Pemberton, Gramie was ready to be transported to our day's destination of Lilooet 134 km away. Unfortunately there's no bus service on Hwy 99, so we kept on peddling. On reaching the start of Duffy Lake road, it was reasonably dry. After two hours of pushing our bikes up a good grade, it started to rain and by the summit it was pouring and colder.

Gramie was was wet and cold and miserable. I stuck out my thumb for for one bevy of drivers without any luck. So I tried again. Fortunately, two ladies in a tall Mercedes van stopped and offered us a ride. Gramie was given the front seat so she chatted with our driver. With the rain we got Tracey and LeaAnn to take us out of the wet zone all the way to Cache Creek where they dropped us in front of two motels. We have to consider them to be our angels because it would have been an extremely difficult day without their help.
As I write this, we have checked into a motel, had hot showers and a meal. Life is good.

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