Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Rain followed us.

After we got home, the rain caught up with us. It seems that we have attracted the rain all across the country.

At least the rain helped the flowers in the garden.
We plan to finish our cross -Canada bike ride locally by riding enough distance to complete sufficient km to cover the distance from Field BC to Kingston. Someone in ccca is setting up a website to log distances. We're hoping to make this a fun project by inviting family, friends and new friends to join us by logging their distances too. Perhaps we can include all nodes of self-propelled movement. Sailing could be included and grandchildren too.

Monday, May 27, 2024

We're home

We're home. Maybe a bit tired but happy to be here.
Yesterday we left Nipigon with the idea of having a steak and eggs breakfast in Terrace Bay at a restaurant that we knew but it didn't open until later so drove on to White River and ate at the A&W. From there it was an easy drive all the way to Sudbury.
When we passed the turn for Manitoulin Island, I took a picture of where we might have turned south. Another time perhaps.
At Sudbury we turned south on Hwy 69 and then took Hwy 12 to the 401. From there it was a straight run home with a pit stop for a bite. We we home after midnight.
I got up around 7 and emptied the car. The bikes are reassembled but will require some adjustments. Everything is great.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

May 25. Winnipeg to Nipigon.

Last night we had a great dinner with Linda and Jerry, steak and the works. Then this morning we went to a nice Greeks restaurant for breakfast. Gramie and I had the house special which had eggs, sausage, ham, cheese and other things smothered in Hollandaise sauce. It was tasty and full of calories that we need. After that we went back to the Oleschuk's apartment, packed up and returned to the Trans-Canada Hwy to continue our journey home. Our stops were for gas near Falcon Lake and Thunder Bay where we also had supper. We stopped at the time change line for pictures and finally in Nipigon at our motel. 
Driving was very easy as the weather got better as we drove eastward out of the cold and wet into the warmer and drier weather.

Friday, May 24, 2024

May 24. Swift Current to Winnipeg.

After breakfast at the Comfort Inn, we started driving towards Winnipeg. The roads were great to start but they became snow covered after we passed through Brandon. We are staying with Linda and Jerry tonight and this evening, Gramie is at the emergency eye clinic to be checked out.
It snowed enough to cover the road and fields nearby. Around Portage la Prairie the road was covered with a layer of slush that almost blonde me when a freight truck passed us. I found that driving behind the trucks, in the path that they had cleared of slush was the safest for us.