Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Bike Gaspe Day 9

Rimouski to Cap Chat. 168 of 1137 km. Today there was no breakfast at the motel and nothing open until Mont Joli so we had brunch at the Normandin restaurant there. Then we enjoyed the tail wind for the rest of the day. It was about 12 kph almost all day. At Matane we stopped at the Canadian Tire store to buy a spare tire to keep with us. As we were there in good time we continued on to Les Mechins as that was a spot that we picked as the furthest destination for the day. Over an ice cream cone we decided to go on to Cap Chat after booking a room there at the Pirate. The ride today was great as the scenery was great and the cycling conditions ideal. If it hadn't been so much fun, we would have stopped earlier. Part of the fun was coasting down a hill after climbing up over a headland. This afternoon we had one with a wide smooth shoulder to ourselves that allowed us to really let go. During the run, I peeked at the speedometer and saw 58+ kph; after the run, the bike computer read my maximum speed being 60.5 kph, which was probably the best ever. 

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