Sunday, June 18, 2017

Bike Gaspe Day 20

Charlottetown to New Glasgow. 83 of 2391 km. Today was a day of decisions. Do we try to make the 9h30 ferry from PEI to Pi or be sensible and take the 11h15 ferry. So we got up at 5h30 and got going. Do we take the Trans-Canada Hy, which is probably smoother and less hilly, or do we take the locals' short cut, which is shorter but probably rougher and hilly. We took the latter and about half way to the ferry we resigned ourselves to not making the early ferry because of the strong headwind. Then about 10 km from the ferry the wind eased a bit and the hills became more reasonable. Susie put her heart into it and we were at the toll booth by 9h25. Basically we pulled in, paid and walked on. We then relaxed over a good breakfast of bacon/sausage and eggs and had to decide which route to take into Halifax. With the help of various people we have decided to take the coastal alternative along the eastern shore. Since there are no places to stay between New Glasgow and Sheet Harbour, we are in New Glasgow for tonight and we cannot go further today . As luck would have it there was a Chinese - Thai restaurant near the Travelodge with a nice buffet dinner. After this many days of extensive energy output, we are consuming a lot of food. So the buffet was very convenient. After 4 plates of entrées and 2 of dessert, my hollow leg was filled. Susie also acquitted herself quite well- pretty good for two 70+.

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