Saturday, June 24, 2017

Bike Gaspe Day 26

Hammonds Plains rest day,  no biking today. Finn and Sull were off training on their respective sailboats and Krista was at the yacht club as well taking the first day of an introductory sailing course. The winds were very strong which meant that the boys sailed very fast and Krista's group didn't get beyond land-based training. The rest of us went to the Shubenicadie River where we tried to catch striped bass.  This gave Susie an opportunity to see how it is done. Unfortunately the fish didn't cooperate and we didn't see anyone land a bass. Nevertheless we saw that lots of bait was eaten off the hooks by something. Eventually that something became hooked and was brought in;  it was an eel. It was interesting to see the critter that had been cleaning the hooks.
Dinner was a great feast of barbecued ribs, chicken, salad and quinoa salad finished off with freshly baked apple pie and ice cream. A perfect ending to a really nice family visit.

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