Monday, June 12, 2017

Bike Gaspe Day 14

Mari to Petit-Rocher, NB. 158 of 1782 km. There was no place to eat near the motel so we rode for about half an hour, stopped at a restaurant where we got a nice breakfast. Then we rode toward Campbellton NB blest by the sun and held back by the headwind. It was quite flat so it was mainly the wind that slowed us. Just before we left Hy 132 we were stop by another cyclist going the other  way. He and a friend are riding from Nfld to BC via Inuvik and documenting their view of Canada at 150. They plan to publish a video and also a book. Of all things he has lived in Kingston and plans to return there. After lunch and picking up a NB map we started riding eastward with the wind at our backs. That got us close to Bathurst even though we lost an hour crossing into NB. Thus we are in Petit-Rocher tonight.

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