Friday, June 9, 2017

Bike Gaspe Day 11

Grande Vallee to Gaspe 111 of 1364 km. Today was our most challenging day physically because we were a bit tired from yesterday and we encountered lots of hills today. It seemed like we were slogging our way uphill most of the day, and I guess we were; we would spend 10 minutes going up for every one that we went down. Even the "shortcut " through Forillon Park was a challenge. The dedicated bike path was mostly covered with loose gravel, which made both up and down a challenge. The villages along the coast were really in as they all seemed to have a church and tourist facilities, except for restaurants. We ate lunch from a grocery after not finding a restaurant in many kilometers. Gaspe per se seemed to be the start of regular Canadian facilities in the sense of outlets from the major chains such as Tim Hortons.

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