Monday, June 26, 2017

Bike Gaspe Day 28.

Bridgewater to Shelburne.  113 of 2925 km. This was an uneventful day. We ate a good breakfast at the Best Western, got on our bikes and rode down the 103 to Shelburne. The road was good and we made good time for about 3 hours; then the wind came up and we worked against it into Shelburne. This is a sleepy small town with a more vibrant past than present. Apparently it was born out of the British Empire Loyalist immigration and for a while was one of the largest towns in North America. Today its retail sector seems to be dominated by a single mall, which is in turn dominated by Sobeys and the liquor store. There is a very nice waterfront that must be populated by hordes of tourists during July, August and September. But for now things were quiet; for example, the two largest restaurants are closed on Monday.

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