Friday, June 16, 2017

Bike Gaspe Day 18

Confederation bridge to Charlottetown. 54 of 2239 km. After checking on line, it seemed that a good place for breakfast would be Anna's country kitchen about 45 minutes toward Charlottetown. We walked into a cafe that was plain and not inviting but it had locals. The menu was just hand written on a white board with only a few prices. We ordered the standard breakfast and were pleasantly surprised to receive plates with generous servings of tasty food.   We also got to talk to the locals. I noticed that they had rhubarb pudding and asked what it was. Our waitress said that they had one piece left from  yesterday and did I want to try it. She brought it with a dollop of ice cream; it was delicious so I got the recipe from Anna.
After arriving at our hotel, we wondered if we had made a mistake in booking it be it seemed to be just a large old house and there was no one present to register us. After a phone call and some waiting,  we were in a very nice room getting cleaned up to meet with Andy Tasker, a former student.
Andy gave us a wonderful tour of UPEI that culminated in his laboratories. He is doing very well and has a number of trainees and international collaborators. It was really gratifying to see.

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