Thursday, June 15, 2017

Bike Gaspe Day 17

Kouchibouguac to Confederation Bridge PEI. 148 of 2185 km. We arose early and left the motel at the park entrance to ride to the closest Tim Hortons; it was 20 minutes away by Hy 11. While we were enjoying breakfast, we started talking with one of the locals who told us that the store had only been open for 5 months. Without it, we would have had to eat our standby rations or keep going to the next town. He showed us pictures of a smashed car that had killed a moose last night. There used to be a lot of wildlife in the area. In addition to the moose, we saw 11 porcupines, 2 hawks, 1 racoon -all dead- and 1 scruff but alive coyote today. We arrived at the bridge by 3 pm but by the time we got the shuttle across it was a bit late to ride the last 50 km into Charlottetown. We are in Borden - Carlton for the night. On the shuttle bus we met 2 other cyclists- a woman from Quebec City and a man from the Moncton area. Compared with us they were loaded down be caused they were camping.

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