Saturday, June 17, 2017

Bike Gaspe Day 19

Charlottetown rest day. 69 of 2308 km. Today we were tourists as the first activity was to ride out to Brackley Beach National Park. It was beautiful in spite of the weather being dreary and wet. You have to be impressed with the red of the sand and sandstone. The dunes were big but apparently there are some that are twice as tall further east. On the way back in we St at at Andy and Maureen Tasker's house for a quick visit.
After getting back to the hotel, I changed the tube in my front tire because of a slow leak. There was a small hole that could have been made by a pin or equivalent. This was the fourth tire that needed attention. We cleaned up and rest before going to see Million Dollar Quartet; what a show!!!!! Best entertainment in a long time.

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