Thursday, June 8, 2017

Bike Gaspe Day 10

Cap Chat to Grande Vallee. 126 of 1253 km. This morning we rode in really good conditions; the temperature was good,  the wind was from the rear and the terrain was nice and flat along the river. We stopped in Mont St Pierre for lunch and continued on along the shore with mountains on our right. It was absolutely gorgeous. At about 105 km they hit us- the hills. We slogged our way up one and coasted down the other side hitting a new speed record of 63 kph. Then we hit another hill that went on and on only to be followed by more uphill road. One of the best pitches couldn't be used to our advantage because the first curve said to slow down to 35 kph, then the road got rough with more slow signs. Susie got to test her disc brakes.  We arrived in Grande Vallee ready for showers and food.

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