Friday, June 2, 2017

Bike Gaspe Day 4

Walking in Portugal and Spain certainly got our legs in shape even for bicycling. So they haven't given us a lot of trouble.  But walking did not prepare our bottoms for sitting on bicycle seats for hours at a time. To help Susie, we exchanged bike seats and spent quite a bit of time adjusting the seat height, fore and aft position,  and tilt. To explain,  my bike seat is bench style so the pressure points are quite different.  We ran into some detours on the rail trail due to culvert replacement. From Grandby to Waterloo we rode on a perfect rail trail; it was paved a very smooth. Along the way we encountered a man whose wheel chair  batteries had died. So we got the gears disengaged,  loaded him in it and pushed him a few hundred metres to his home. Just before noon we decided to get something warm to eat in Waterloo. As we entered town it started to rain so we stopped at the nearest rest which happens to sell a lot of poutine; so we had poutine and Montreal smoked meat. Lots of calories. Our food break was extended by the and the other customers who wanted to talk. Don't get me wrong, we enjoyed their interest in our bike trip.  The afternoon was less eventful and we made better progress through Richmond and finally to Danville where we booked into the St Regis motel.

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