Sunday, June 4, 2017

Bike Gaspe Day 6

Levi to  La Pocatiere. 121 km of 779 km.
Much to my surprise, we woke up to sunshine and nice biking temperatures; granted the wind was from the north east at about 15 to 20 kph which added to the energy required. Our motel was on Hy 132 and we will follow it all the way into New Brunswick.  Last time when we biked through this area, my bike needed a new cassette near L'Islet. The people at Tibo bike shop were so nice that we planned to bring them some business this time. When I looked at my rear tire in Levis it had some small cracks in the rubber so I thought that I could have it replaced at Tibo. Wouldn't you know it; it was Sunday and they were closed. So we continued on toward La Pocatiere. About 9 km out my rear tire blew so I changed the inner tube using a plastic bill as a patch for the tire. With 50 psi and a prayer we made it to a motel for the night. There is a bike shop listed on the Internet so I hope it's open when indicated tomorrow morning. There is also a Canadian Tire store so I should be able to do something. Adjoining the hotel was  a Mikes restaurant, which we tried and found to be quite good so we'll return for breakfast. This is useful information because this is part of a chain in Quebec. 

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