Thursday, May 5, 2022

Day 8. Blue River to Valemount. May 5. 92 km.

The weather forecast wasn't very promising this morning as it called for rain most of the day. Fortunately the distance was just 92km which would reduce the number of hours spent in the rain. It turned out better than forecast because we waited until after 9 before leaving and the rain went from moderate to light to spitting over an hour and a half. Then it quit and the roads were dry.
We continue to be impressed with the pipeline work. There seems to be massive machinery everywhere and huge sections of large pipe being welded together and waiting to be buried in trenches. I stopped to ask one of the workers about crossing the highway. He told me that they drill a horizontal hole then simply push a section of pipe under the road. The augers used are huge.
On arrival at our motel in Valemount, it had become cool and windy making us appreciate the shelter of our room. After eating lots of potatoes the last two suppers, we opted for a a low carb meal from the supermarket, chicken and salad.
The forecast calls for more rain tomorrow, so we will have to just deal with it. The ride to Jasper will be longer. We hope that it doesn't rain all day.

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