Monday, May 16, 2022

Day 19. Chamberlain to Regina. May 16. 96 km.

This became a 96km day. We knew in advance that we would have strong headwinds especially later in the day, so Gramie suggested using an early start. The alarm went off at 4:30 and we were pedalling by 5:30 into a significant headwind and after a few hours it was a strong headwind. In some places, we lost the paved shoulder but it remained four lane and divided, making it safe enough especially as the traffic wasn't heavy.
By 10:15 AM we were in the Subway in Lumsden having breakfast and resting. There was a place to stay there but we decided to go on. It might have been a nice village to stay because it is in the Qu'Appelle Valley. We struggled with the wind all the way into Regina. Gramie was beat and immediately had a nap. The room in the Country Inn is very large and the comfortable.
Morning sun over the prairies.
Nice paved shoulder for bicycles. 

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