Thursday, May 19, 2022

Day 22. Grenfell to Moosomin. May 19. 101 km.

According to the weather forecast, we were supposed to have two hours of headwind and then it was supposed to become a tailwind. Unfortunately the headwinds persisted for a good four hours all the way to Indian Head, where we stopped for lunch and a break. After that the headwinds persisted for about another half hour when they became a southern crosswind. Eventually we got the tailwind for the last two hours into Moosomin. We stayed at the Motel 6 in Moosomin. Distance today 101 km.
The freight trains were impressive today. One was 200 cars long and within 10minutes another 160-car train followed. The freight seems to be containers, oil or potash with some grain as well.
In addition to the headwinds, we had cold weather again today. It didn't get to 10C today and the forecast for overnight was some snow. While we feel the cold, the farmers are worse off because the land is wet and won't be suitable for planting for some time. For us it's an inconvenience but for them, it's their livelihood that's at risk. The fields are wet or flooded as shown in the picture.
Fields with too much water. 

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