Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Day 27. Deacons Corner to Falcon Lake. May 24. 140 km.

We had great cycling conditions today. It was warm but not hot and the wind was either from the right or from behind. The shoulder of the road was excellent most of the day and where it wasn't, we could ride in the slow lane of the four-lane highway because the traffic was so light.
After about a half hour of cycling, we came to the geographical centre of Canada and stopped to take pictures. Later on we saw a domestic herd of bison, and the roadside changed from farm fields to forests.
About noon we stopped at a rest stop for lunch. We arrived in Falcon Lake about 2:45 PM hoping to get a room at the local hotel. Much to my surprise, it was being renovated and was closed. The workers suggested Big Buffalo resort just up the road but it was also not open because of some maintenance work. Fortunately they were open to suggestions and decided to open a single cabin for us; they just needed an hour to prepare it. We used the time to to get food at the local grocery store and then I asked about getting a bottle of wine. This was a first, as I was sent to the building supply store for the wine. I found a nice bottle next to the paint area.
Nevertheless we managed to assemble a good meal that went well with the bottle of Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon.
Theoretically Halfway Across Canada 
Bison Farm. 

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