Sunday, May 29, 2022

Day 32. Upsala to Thunder Bay. May 29. 135 km.

Our goal for the day was to get to Thunder Bay so that we can have our bikes checked over first thing Monday morning. With rain in the forecast, we left the motel about 6:30 AM and arrived at the Black Spruce Motel and Restaurant just as they were opening. We had really good bacon and eggs for breakfast and were off toward the Lakehead. There was a modest headwind in the morning, which became significant in the afternoon. By the time we rolled into Thunder Bay, Gramie was gassed.  She had to walk up most of the remaining hills and had difficulty riding up relatively gentle hills.
Today we found the official time zone sign that we looked for yesterday. It was still at its official site about 20km east of Upsala but the people here change the time well to the west, if fact a bit west of English River. Then some 12 km further east, we found the watershed sign that marked the divide of the Arctic and Atlantic watersheds.
Tonight we are in the Econolodge Motel, which is convenient to the bike shop that we have used before and our other needs.
Watershed sign. 

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