Saturday, May 14, 2022

Day 17. North Battleford to Saskatoon. May 14. 147 km.

After yesterday, I thought that today should be a short day, then I saw the forecast for winds from the west. That changed our plans to start thinking of Saskatoon as our target. As it turned out this was our best riding day of the trip. It was warm but not hot and the wind was behind us all the way. Even with negotiating the Saskatoon traffic, we were in a motel by 3 PM in the south east corner of the city.  We are at the Colonial Motel.
Lunch stop. Tortilla with peanut butter and banana. 
We stopped for lunch at the bridge across the North Saskatchewan River and had a pretty easy ride today. Today we covered 147 km and considered it a short day.
For dinner, we dropped into the local Save On and got a bunch of wings, Greek salad and a pasta salad to go with a bottle of merlot. This was probably the best travel meal we have purchased along the way. The Greek salad was particularly good.

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