Saturday, May 21, 2022

Day 24. Virden to Carberry. May 21. 125 km.

Bicycling today held much more promise because the temperature was above zero and the wind was blowing from the northwest. We made good time to Brandon where we stopped at another Subway for a breakfast sub even though the motel had provided us with a reasonable continental breakfast.
There was evidence of recent rain all around. When we reached the Assiniboine River just before Brandon, it was over its banks with water covering the flood plain.
In Brandon, we decided to go on to Carberry and take our chances with the only motel shown on the maps (Robins Nest). It was very basic as was the attached restaurant.
The machinery that we saw on the road has been impressive. We have seen lots of heavy machines on trucks and also some big farm machinery being driven down the road. The farm unit shown here was folded up for the road but it still occupied two lanes. Normally they travel using the slow lane plus the paved shoulder.
That speck of yellow is Gramie going into the Assiniboine Valley west of Brandon. 
More big farm machinery. 

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