Saturday, May 21, 2022

Day 23. Moosomin to Virden. May 20. 65 km.

Today was a very different day. As Gramie had a persistent cough for many days, we looked for a solution. Fortunately Moosomin Hospital was a 20 min walk from the motel and they took her in immediately. When we left about an hour later, Gramie had a negative result for COVID and a prescription for an antibiotic. We waited until after the pharmacy opened at 9 AM and picked it up.
Near the pharmacy, we were able to buy a pair of wind pants for Gramie to keep her warm.
Last night, it was below zero and the roads were covered in snow and ice until around 10 AM. We left the motel at 11 AM, pedalling towards the east. The wind was at our backs making for easy riding. Today we entered Manitoba and lost another hour. Because of our different activities and the cold, we decided on a shorter 65km day.
Entering Manitoba and another time zone. 

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