Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Day 34. Thunder Bay to Nipigon. May 31. 110 km.

We lucked out yesterday by spending time in Thunder Bay and not on the road. The weather today was perfect for bicycling; even the wind cooperated by blowing across our path. We used streets that were designated for bikes; that worked well as the traffic was better and the road was smoother. We used streets that took us to Lakeshore Drive, which parallels the Trans-Canada Hwy almost a third of the way to Nipigon.
On the way through the city, we saw lots of high water in the streams.
After we got on the main road, we stopped at a rest stop half way to Nipigon for lunch and met Dave who was bicycling from Victoria to Nova Scotia. He was making really good time by riding about 150 percent of our daily rides. We arrived in Nipigon about 3 PM and got a great room at the Pinecrest Motel.  As the picture shows, it is done tastefully and has all the little details such as USB outlets for our electronics.
High water within Thunder Bay- Ferguson Creek? 
Fellow Cross-Canada Cyclist 
Nice room in the Pinecrest Motel 

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