Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Spain Day 34

Miraz to Boimil 36 km+. After having our laundry dry quickly yesterday afternoon, I anticipated warm and dry weather  today.  But after seeing the wet roofs this morning a reevaluation was in order.  We left the albergue with our pack covers on and our umbrellas up as it was sprinkling rain. In fact it sprinkled then quit throughput the day. When we stopped to eat around noon,  we looked over the route and considered walking further. The waitress and another man then told us that we would have to go on to Boimil to find a hotel; this was 11 km further than our original plan. When we arrived in Boimil, we learned that the hotel was closed. Tonight we are in an albergue, which happens to be new and very nice. When we asked about dinner he suggested a cafe-bar about half a km. It was great with the green salad being the best that we have ever had in Spain. In centre were two rounds of hot cheese. Our entrées were presented professionally; my fish was stacked on potatoes under a pile red and green vegetables. When we couldn't understand our choices of dessert our host brought out one with chocolate cake topped with a scoop of orange sherbet with 4 pieces of fruit in the corners. As we left the restaurant we got them to come outside for pictures.
The walk today was through a variety of terrain, which took us up to 700 m. This was above the elevation at which eucalyptus can grow. They can grow at a fantastic rate;we saw growth rings up to 1 inch. I assume that this reflects a long growing season and lots of rain.

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