Saturday, May 6, 2017

Spain Day 22

We anticipated today with some trepidation because two websites predicted a lot of rain. We saw predictions of up to 50 mm of rain. The thunderstorms overnight confirmed that we were in for a very wet day. By daybreak the forecast was for showers so we were hopeful that there would be less rain. Our hopes came through as the day was a mixture of everything including a bit of sunshine. About 12:30 it started to rain quite hard but we lucked out by finding an unoccupied shelter in a vending machine area with tables and chairs. That became our lunch spot. After that we walked to Caldas de Reis where the rain stopped completely so we walked on to Carracedo where we checked into a nice hostal,  Parrilada Antonio. The walking today was excellent as we spent a lot of time on sandy paths in quiet little valleys. There was only one section of about half a km where we were on the shoulder of a busy road

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