Thursday, May 4, 2017

Spain Day 21

Today was predicted to be hot at 27C and it was in the afternoon. Tomorrow is predicted to rain a lot, up to 50 mm; we are hoping that the forecast is wrong. With this in mind, we planned to go asfar as is reasonable today. One place that is a bit on the short side was Arcade at around 24 km. Today's walk was nice with a good amount on paths through the woods. We arrived in Arcade about 12:30 so we pushed on to Pontevedra, which is a sign town about 36 km from PorriƱo where we stayed last night. Much of the walk today was through eucalyptus groves and small villages with tons of flowers. There were also some beautiful centuries old bridges. We got to see how they build stone walls these days; they use a Cat to lift rocks and power drills to cut them to size. As we were entering Pontevedra around 3:45 pm we booked a room in a 3 star hotel on line. By the time we arrived at the hotel, we were ready for showers.  The next item on our agenda was supper; we cannot eat like last because a heavy Russian salad followed by half of a chicken with roasted vegetables and fries was too much. We just got back from supper where I tried to get salmon, which came as pork loin. Nevertheless it was good and this time they left the wine bottle at the table. 

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