Friday, May 12, 2017

Spain Day 29

Villapedre to Tapia de Casariego.  While the room last night was phenomenal, their breakfast was too late for us so we ate at the cafe, which was open at 6. We started with rain covers on our backpacks and umbrellas in hand because it looked like rain. It didn't disappoint as it spitted for much of the morning. We got to  La Caridad after 11 went to a couple of bars for food.  Unfortunately they were not ready to serve so we went to the grocery store and picked up an empenada and some pastries, which we ate on some public benches. We had views of the Atlantic Ocean but they weren't as good as earlier. In the afternoon we took the alternative route to the beaches shortly after Porcia. That's why we are in Tapia rather than Tol. After getting our hotel we walked down to the beach and put our feet in the Atlantic Ocean. The beaches here are very nice but not warm enough for swimming yet.

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