Saturday, May 6, 2017

Spain Day 23

When we started off this morning, we thought that we might stop and stay a few km out of Santiago de Compostela so that we could make the 9 am bus to Oviedo the next morning. As it turned out,  the walking conditions were ideal so we changed our target to the bus station at 4 pm. We were close arriving at about 4:15 after some 38 km. The next bus would have reached Oviedo at 15 minutes after midnight so we stayed in Santiago de Compostela. Today the Camino was mostly through woods on sand and gravel paths. They have done a good job on the paths as there was no mud in spite of ample rainfall the past 2 days. In Padrón we visited the church that is built over the mooring post that St James used and got picture of the famous mooring post.

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