Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Bike Gaspe

We started our bike trip by leaving the house at about 8h30 and made our way via the walk ways to the Y, Princess, Queen and the causeway. We decided to stop in Gananoque for coffee at St Timothy ' s which was quite fortunate because the spitting rain turned into real rain. While we were enjoying coffee,  we talked with Terry and Matt who couldn't do their work in Gananoque because of the rain. Eventually we stayed long enough to have lunch after which the rain let up. Biking along the parkway was great because the bike path is away from the cars and is smooth. About a half hour from Gananoque the sun came out and we took off our wind breakers. About 30 km from Brockville, I started to get slow and pedaling got harder. I thought that perhaps my body wasn't ready for this bike trip. About 5 km later the explanation became obvious; I had a flat rear tire. After installing a new inner tube, riding returned to normal and we rode into Brockville and checked into the Super 8 motel. I had booked it last night to make sure that we weren't tempted to overdo it the first day.

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