Monday, May 8, 2017

Spain Day 24

Last night we stayed in Santiago de Compostela at a nice little hotel near the bus station. We asked where to go for a supermercado and restaurant and were told just go to the shopping center nearby. We did and found the largest grocery store come other stores that we have ever seen. It was easily triple the size of our Costco store. We boarded a bus to Oviedo at 9 am and arrived at 2:15 pm. After dropping our packs at our 4 star hotel, we walked 2 blocks to the cathedral with the intention of buying our credentiales for this Camino. Unfortunately it was closed so we walked to the tourist information office nearby to ask where we could buy them. It turned out that they had them and provided them free. All that is left to do is take a few pictures, check out the route,  eat and sleep. When we sat down in a restaurant, we were right next to a local couple in the restaurant business. The man was really helpful as he explained the entire menu to us including a description of the dishes that were typical of Asturias. As a result we sampled two interesting dishes.

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