Monday, May 15, 2017

Spain Day 32

Abadin to Vilalba. Today is a rest day in that we can only walk 20 km and have to stop or go on to 40 km. As a result we ate breakfast late and  didn't hustle for any reason today. The walk was mostly through farmland on dirt paths with just a bit of rolling up and down. As this is Galecia, it is green and lush just like the attached picture shows. Not long after we started walking,  a peregrina noticed my Canadian flag and told me that she was from Montreal. She walked with us for a while until her pulled hamstring forced her to stop at the next bar. We walked until brunch time when we got two large cheese and ham bocadillos. Susie could eat only half of hers. We walked into Vilalba and got a hotel room by 2 pm. As our diets have not been balanced,  we decided to select our food at a supermercado for supper and got salads, meat and bread. We have been short on vegetables. 

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