Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Spain Day 33

Vilalba to Miraz 33 km. Today we left our hotel around 7:30 am and walked through typical Galecian countryside for the morning. As usual it was beautiful but not photogenic in that any pictures would look like yesterday's. The farms here are small with only a few cattle or sheep in small pastures. We have seen a number of horses that come to the fence when they see us; I like to pick a handful of grass to feed them.  There were a number of other peregrinos but it was not crowded. We saw only a few peregrinos on the Camino; most often we saw them at refreshment stops.  Interestingly we are known as the Canadian couple because of the flag on my backpack. I'm really happy that I brought the flag because it has been a great icebreaker. When we arrived in Miraz, we went directly to the Albergue O Abrigo and got the only double room in the establishment. It is new and beautiful with granite stairs and everything shiny and clean. We plan to have the peregrino menu tonight.
We have only three more days and then we will be in Santiago de Compostela again. The time seems to be flying by. If we arrive in Santiago de Compostela on Friday, we will travel to Porto on Saturday,  spend Sunday there and fly home on Monday the 22nd.

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