Sunday, May 14, 2017

Spain Day 31

Villamartin Grande to Abadin. The weather conditions today were perfect for walking, 20C some wind and no rain. We had a Spanish breakfast provided by our pensione and walked easily to Lourenza where we stopped at a bank machine and picked up some Euros. By the time we got to Mondoneda the bars were just starting to open around 11:30 am.  We needed some food with staying power and so we tried a couple of bars that  couldn't make food because the cook was not available and the bread had not been delivered. Finally we found a restaurant and had a large brunch of eggs,  pork cutlet, Russian salad and chips. We needed the calories for the afternoon because we walked about 36 km after missing a turn. The morning's walk through the woodsand farmland was so nice being surrounded by the Galician greenery. Most of the afternoon was spent on roads albeit quiet ones. Tonight we are in a pensione along with other peregrinos from Madrid and the Netherlands. Tomorrow will be a short day of 20 km simply because we don't want to walk 40 km at once.

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