Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Portugal Day 19

This was perhaps the best day of walking yet. When we arrived in Ponte de Lima, we were told that breakfast would be served at 8:30 am , which was much too late for us. Then they said that we could have a modest breakfast much earlier if we wished. We accepted that and were pleasantly surprised by the food they put out for us and all the other peregrinos. We walked to the Camino and into town where we took pictures and got euros. Then we spent the rest of the morning walking over a hill, 470 metres, to Rubiaes. Even though Susie was tired due to lack of sleep, she was given a caffeine beverage by mistake, we decided to carry on. When we arrived at our potential hotel, some 11 km further, no host was available.  So carried on another km to a place that wasn't even in the guidebook and checked into a great double room for an excellent price.
Today's walk was great because it was mostly through the woods and it took us high enough to have some excellent views. There were many peregrinos on the Camino until noon; many probably stopped at Rubiaes because it was the end of the stage in the guidebook. Tonight we plan to have a pilgrim meal at the restaurant

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