Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Spain Day 27

El Pito to Cadavedo. We started the day well with a better than anticipated breakfast at Casa Vitorio in El Pito. Particularly nice were the freshly squeezed orange juice with refill and the cake. Then we had a nice walk to the valley with Concha de Artado beach, where I got to take more pictures than I took the previous day. For starters the valley was spanned by a 15-pier highway bridge with a curve. Then we visited the beach where Susie spent some time collecting rocks. After 3 hours we had bocadillos in Loco de Luinea after which we had to choose between the high route and highway route. We chose the high route and were rewarded with fabulous views of the ocean from the ridge. As a result of the route we arrived back at road level about 2 km beyond Cadavedo and had angle back to find a hotel. Although we had to hike up some 1500 ft, this was our most enjoyable day of walking on this trip.

1 comment:

  1. wow it looks wonderful there .. someday maybe i will take a wonderful walk like yours are .. thank you for blogging
