Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb 25

Got up and had a huge breakfast starting with cold foods followed by a full hot breakfast. Then they took us on a complete tour of the Sound and out into the Tasman Sea a bit. This gave us some good views of waves hitting the rocks. 

We got a bit of water too, when the waves splashed in through the drain holes at foot level.

On the way back to the dock we saw some seals.

Milford Sound enveloped in mist was absolutely beautiful.

On the way back to Te Anau, we encountered a flock of about 1000 sheep being moved along the road, so we stopped and let them run around us.

At Te Anau we checked into the Barnyard then hiked from Rainbow Reach to the control gates; return time 4 hours. This completed the Kepler Track from the hut on Lake Manapouri to Mt Luxmore; this is about half of the Kepler Track.

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