Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Day 61. Holyrood to Cape Spear, St John's. June 28. 82 km.

This is it. Today we left our suite around 7:30 AM and rode about 12 km to the nearest open restaurant, which you might guess to be Tim Hortons. Then we got on the rail trail into St John's.
Rail trail in St Johns. 

Once in the city limits, my rear brake cable broke. Of all places, this was the best place for it to give way. It took three stores before we found one that serviced pedal bikes as opposed to motor bikes. But I got a good shop and a technician who was willing to work on my bike right away. He replaced the cable and the pads because one was down to metal. He also checked and adjusted the front brakes. He told me that I should consider changing the entire drive train because it is quite worn. We talked about installing a one or two by ten setup. Their rates were modest so I was happy that I tipped him well before I saw the bill.
Then we found our accommodation, which was a large unit with full kitchen, bathroom and sitting room. It is a wonderful place to stay. By accident more than design, we have stayed in some really nice spaciousness suites. By that, I meant that we selected places for their location more than for their furnishings. Nevertheless we have stayed in accommodations that we would like to return to one day. Both Comerford and Park Avenue would be included. They're spacious, clean and well equipped. They would be good for long or short stays.
After a short rest, we pedalled and pushed our way to Cape Spear with only one partially loaded pannier. Without a doubt, the Cape Spear road was the most difficult of the entire trip. It took two hours to go 21km, we were there at 2 PM. At Cape Spear we took pictures and talked with people who were interested in our ride.
We have arrived.  Cape Spear. 

Gramie got her birthday present. 
Distance today was 82km.

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