Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Aftermath. St John's Airport to Ottawa and home. June 29. 16 km.

We were ready to go home after bicycling for two months and being away from home since April 20. After checking the weather forecast, we left for the airport well before our scheduled departure. That turned out to be a fortunate decision because at about km 10 of the 16km ride to the airport, Gramie's bike broke down. The ratchet mechanism in her rear hub gave up and deprived her of applying power to the wheel. Thus, she had to push her bike the remaining 6 km with the odd opportunity to coast.
We still got to the airport with lots of time to spare. I took my time removing the pedals, changing the handlebars by 90 degrees and letting some air out of the tires. When the check-in desk opened, the Porter people were very helpful. They helped us place the bikes in plastic bags and taped them well. We checked them in at the oversized luggage gate and checked ourselves through security.
We looked forward to being met in Ottawa Airport by Blair and Finn.  It would be great seeing them especially after being deprived of this by our COVID rules.
Ready to fly in St Johns 

Here's Gramie at the airport waiting for our flight. The flight from St John's was very good with a short stop in Halifax before taking us to Ottawa. We even landed four minutes early. Our bikes arrived about ten minutes after we walked to the baggage pick-up area.  Blair and Finn were there waiting for us.  As we hadn't eaten since breakfast, we stopped at another Subway restaurant for supper in Ottawa before driving home.
It was great to be at home and be able to sleep in our own bed.

Total distance bicycled, 6595 km.  108 km/day excluding two rest days.

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