Saturday, June 4, 2022

Day 38. White River to Wawa. June 4. 96 km.

We started our morning in that great suite using the leftovers from last night for breakfast. So that meant pyrogies and salad plus some peanut butter to add some stickum.
It was surprisingly cold this morning, about 1C when we started pedalling. But it was sunny and there was no wind at all.
The ride for the majority of the way was on a great smooth paved shoulder. A little while later we saw signs saying Bike Route, which we really appreciated. This is a major improvement over our experience during our first ride through this area 11 years ago, or even three years ago. Initially, much of the road had no paved shoulder or perhaps a narrow strip of asphalt 30 cm wide. We only encountered in headwind for the last 15-20 km, which facilitated our arrival in Wawa very
early in the afternoon. Distance today 96 km.
Paved shoulder and bike route signage. 

There was a lot of truck traffic on these roads and we have seen lots of evidence of vehicles leaving the road, such as broken guard rails. Thus, it wasn't surprising to a wreck at the roadside.

Evidence of truck traffic. 

On the way into town, we stopped at the Wawa goose for the umpteenth time. The sign tells about construction of the Trans-Canada Hwy, which is 7821 km long.
The Wawa goose. 

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