Sunday, June 19, 2022

Day 52. Cabano to Grand Falls. June 19. 125 km.

It was a dark and stormy night (Snoopy, 19xx) followed by a cold and damp next day. During breakfast at the Econolodge we wondered if we should even leave the room given the rain and forecast for more of the same. Nevertheless we got ready and waited until the rain eased up a bit then decided to see if we could make it to Edmundson for at least some progress towards Newfoundland. We pedalled through Cabano streets and got back on the rail trail which continued to be as good as they could make it but the water did make it more work to pedal even on well compacted rail trail. After Degelis, we opted for a paved road that parallels the trail. As soon as we entered New Brunswick, we got on the paved shoulder of the freeway and this really facilitated progress.
By noon we were in Edmundston where we found an open bike shop to have Susie's gears and my brakes checked while we went to St Timothy's for hot chili. When we got back, the bikes were ready and we decided to try for Grand Falls. We made good progress and bypassed St Leonard before the rain started. By the time we were in Grand Falls at the Hilltop Motel, we were soaked again.
Father's Day dinner was at their restaurant which was serving a special of soup with chicken and ribs and fine New Brunswick baked potato. We sat watching the river pour its brown water down the gorge, beautiful!!!  It was gratifying to have pedalled 125km under the day's circumstances.
This picture shows in Degelis that Quebec takes bicycling and snowmobiling seriously. The left lane is for bicycles and the right lane is for snowmobiles.
Quebec bicycle and snowmobile trails. 

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