Friday, June 10, 2022

Day 44. Sturgeon Falls to Mattawa. June 10. 103 km.

Today was a 103 km day dictated primarily by logistics. Between Mattawa and Deep River there wasn't a combination of motels and restaurants that worked well so I selected Mattawa as our overnight stop.
The biking was pretty easy today with a favourable wind and no big hills. Leaving Sturgeon Falls the road was straight and flat for 16 km. Then we stopped on the way into North Bay in front of the medical centre, where I suggested that Gramie have her persistent cough examined. After about 2.5hr, we moved on. Then we went to the emergency department of Mattawa hospital where the doctor (Dr G, an ironman competitor) diagnosed an upper airways infection that would resolve on its own given time and less exertion on Gramie's part. He was great in insisting that Gramie described her symptoms and explaining his diagnosis based on physiology. Given her overall robust health, he thought that she had little risk of pneumonia. So we'll just have to be less ambitious and more patient by limiting the distances to ensure more rest.
The major noticeable change in scenery was the explosion of flowers. The roadside seemed to have suddenly turned white, purple, orange and yellow with a splash of pink for good measure.

Signs of Spring 

The town of Mattawa is much more interesting than it revealed from the highway. In particular the little river valley is really nice.
Park along Mattawa River 

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