Monday, June 20, 2022

Day 53. Grand Falls to Nakawic. June 20. 150 km.

We started the day with a motel breakfast that was ordered from the restaurant menu rather than self serve in a breakfast room. This was eaten in the same room as last night's dinner overlooking the gorge. I took a picture from the room looking towards the bridge and then one from the bridge toward the dining room.
Grand Falls gorge from our restaurant. 
the Gorge looking toward our motel 

Then we got back on the paved shoulder of the freeway and made good progress. Around noon we stopped for some pizza and decided that our goal for the day was Nakawic, which made Jemseg and subsequently Moncton fall into place.
After biking up many hills and then down the other sides, we made it to the Big Axe B&B, where we stayed three years ago.

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