Monday, May 9, 2016

Camino 2016 Day 8

We left our very nice apartment just after 7 and walked across the beach then up the stairs to a track with fabulous views.  There is something special about walking along the ocean and feeling the breeze. At Onton we took the long route by mistake, which added 5.3 km to today's trek.  In Castro-Urdiales, we saw an interesting church that had a commanding view of the bay.  We bought some food at a supermercado; the oranges are fantastic. Much of the walk into Islares was along the ocean again. We walked through the town and asked a lady for directions to the hotel. With her help we got in about 30 seconds before a cloud burst. The room is very nice.


  1. Replies
    1. She is just like her brother..... lol sleep any where any time :) Sounds and looks like so much fun ...
