Monday, May 30, 2016

Camino 2016 Day 29

What  a great start to the day.  We had a nice breakfast at the pensione and hit the Camino in dry weather. The terrain was relatively flat so we covered more ground than we had in the mountains. By the time we got to Pedrouzo, we were running on empty so we stopped at a bar for hamburgers and drinks. The hamburgers weren't great but somehow they tasted really good. As we left town and were passing another bar we heard a shout from our Swedish friends. Later we saw our Alaskan colleagues and also a couple from Brazil. They were all a lot of fun to walk with. By mid-afternoon we had decided to push through to Santiago de Compostela and got to a hotel near the bus station between 4 and 5.  We then cleaned up and walked into the cathedral area.  After a nice dinner we got back to our hotel to enjoy some of the perks it offers such as hot beverages in the breakfast area.

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