Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Camino 2016 Day 2

Today started with a little hitch as Susie forgot her walking poles in the pension and left the keys in our room.  After waiting at the door for 15 minutes, she rang the doorbell and another tenant opened the main door. The walk out of San Sebastian was nice with the ocean on our right. Even after we got up into the trees, we had wonderful views of the Atlantic all the way into Orio.  We had a late breakfast there around noon. Orio is just as beautiful San Sebastian. We had a nice walk into Zarautz then walked by the ocean into Getaria.  Since it was too early to stop, we continued on to Azkizu. By the time we got there we were more than ready to stop for the night.  We are checked in to the Agote Aundi albergue. It's very nice.

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