Sunday, May 29, 2016

Camino 2016 Day 28

After spending last night in the new municipal albergue, we set out for Arzua in classical Galecian weather; that is to say that it was giving us liquid sunshine.  About 2 km out, I realized that I had left  hiking pole at the albergue.  After going back to retrieve it we made our way into Melide by about 11 am.  We made a bee line for Ezekiel Pulperia, which we had been told about 4 nights ago.  Much to the surprise and delight, Susie tried it and liked it.  That made my day.  Traffic on the path was much heavily after Melide because that is where the Camino Primitivo and Camino Frances meet.  Arzua, where we stopped tonight is where the Camino del Norte joins in.

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