Thursday, May 26, 2016

Camino 2016 Day 25

Yesterday in Fonsagrada was a little weird because the town looks big but had only 2 pensiones an 2 albergues.  On our walk out this morning we saw a 4 star hotel that had been closed.  This is a bit of a ghost town. Our next stop is Cardavo Baleira so we got the albergue owner to call ahead and book a room for us and the Swedish couple in a pensione.  Today's walk was unusual in that there was fog in the valleys below us and sun above.  It was cool but dry; In Galecia we will take that over the rain for which it is famous.  We hiked up one ridge and got right next to the wind turbines then descended into the next valley and gradually worked our way over a lower ridge.  All day we were close to wind turbines.  About mid-morning we stopped for coffee with a bunch of people that we met on the Camino. It would be interesting to know what portion of Spain's electricity comes from wind and solar sources.  Tomorrow we will hit the city of Lugo.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful picture I will show dad this tomorrow as he coming for dinner. I have seen those wind turbines in the states, from far away they were freaky and huge ......... I cant imagine standing beside them .... Did you get some great shots of the clouds below and the sun above? <3
