Monday, May 23, 2016

Camino 2016 Day 22

Today we had perfect weather to walk the highest segment of the Camino Primitivo. It was quite cool as we started; Susie wore gloves and my hands were cool.  A cool day is perfect for this segment because there was a 16.5 km part without any source of clean drinking water.  The temperature kept our sweating to a minimum and ensured that we needed a small amount of water. We climbed to over 1100 metres, and dropped down about 600 metres.  We thought that the descent would be tough on the knees but the steep part was short so it was fine.  The views up top were fantastic as we stayed above tree line for about four hours.  An Italian fellow that we spoke with here in Barducedo said that it was the best day of hiking in his life.  A bonus was finding a pension in Barducedo that wasn't mentioned in our guidebook.

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