Thursday, May 19, 2016

Camino 2016 Day 18

Our hostesses at the hotel were great this morning. We were offered various bocadillos and we took chicken with blue cheese; it was excellent.  As we went to leave they offered us a bit of fruit for walkie; it turned out to be 8 pieces.  Then they gave us hugs and sent us on our way.  The walk into Oviedo was very pleasant, mostly on single lane country roads and foot paths.  As we entered the city we found 4 star hotel at half price, so we are in a very nice hotel tonight.  Since we arrived at noon, we are touring this afternoon. We decided to have a short day today because walking to the next town with a hotel would have been pushing our bodies too much.  We ate our major meal about 3:30 today.  It was phenomenal with a chicken salad to start; it was loaded with white meat.  Then we had generous servings of roast beef. Our drinks were a large glass of beer and a bottle of red wine.  We had to leave some wine.  Afterwards we visited the Oviedo Cathedral and museum.  It was fantastic but constituted information overload.  It was 9 centuries in the building so they had time to carve all those ornate figures.

1 comment:

  1. I do not know if I can handle sitting next to all that wine..... What a nice size glass..... looks like such an amazing trip....
